Frequently Asked Questions

Have questions about 居住生活 at Alfred University? 餐计划? Best practices for a successful transition into on-campus living? You've come to the right place.

Q. What kind of amenities included in the rooms?
A. 每个宿舍房间都有一张床,梳妆台抽屉,衣柜或衣柜. Within each residence hall is laundry (free), 一个厨房, 厕所/淋浴, and at least one gather space for students. These amenities differ based on residence hall. 请浏览我们的 虚拟旅游视频 了解更多信息.

Q. Is there an AC or heating inside the room?
A. 所有的宿舍都有暖气,但只有少数有空调(康纳斯和乔尔的房子).

Q. Are there water stations throughout halls on campus?
A. Our residence halls do not have water stations, just water fountains. Many of our academic buildings do have water stations.

Q. Are pets allowed in residential buildings?
A. All animals (ESA and service) must be approved through the Center for Academic Success. Students are allowed to have fish within a 10 gallon tank.

Q. What hardware is allowed to hang stuff up on walls?
A. 我们建议使用命令条,因为学生不能使用钉子或任何刺穿墙壁的东西. 请注意,我们不允许在墙上挂任何织物(挂毯、旗帜、衬衫等).).

Q. 房间有镜子吗??
A. Majority of our rooms have mirrors, 但许多学生也带着自己的小镜子,可以用命令条挂在墙上或门上.

Q. What size rug is suggested and what size is the typical room?
A. 我们建议使用5'x7'的区域地毯,并鼓励你和你的室友商量谁带什么.

Q. 洗衣舱可以吗??
A. We encourage students to refrain from pods as they clog the machines.

Q. 抬高后床下的空间有多大?床下可以放多大的储物柜?
A. When raised to their max height, our beds have 25 inches of clearance available under the bed, thus any storage tote should fit.

Q. 如果我的学生账户上仍然有关于住房的账单问题,我应该联系谁?
A. 请电子邮件 马克斯Koskoff, Director of Residential Communities. 即使他可能不会立即回复,请注意他正在为你调查这个问题.

Q. 是否有允许或不允许带入大厅的物品清单?
A. 是的,有一个名单 what to bring, and what to leave at home!

Q. How do I decide what meal plan is best for me?
A. 这是一个非常个人的决定,通常是基于你的饮食风格. 你可以 always add Fiat Bux though if you run out of money.

Q. Can I switch my meal plan?
A. Yes, you may switch your meal plan now by submitting a 膳食计划变更请求. By the first Friday of classes at 4pm, 你可以去巴特利特宿舍的住宿生活办公室更改.

Q. What do I do if I have food allergies?
A. 当你到达校园时,去和Ade Hall的用餐人员谈谈并通知他们. 他们非常愿意和你一起工作,以适应你可能有的任何过敏,同时仍然做出美味的食物. It is all about knowing this upfront so they can be prepared.

Q. What is the difference between Saxon Swipes and 餐厅 Dollars?
A. Saxon刷卡只用于鲍威尔校园中心的用餐(点菜). 餐券可以在校园里的任何餐饮场所使用,包括星巴克!

访问 the 校园用餐 首页页面

Q. Is there a service to move heavy luggage?
A. Unfortunately, we do not offer that service.

Q. Where can I get some food on the first day of moving in?
A. Lunch will be served as will be dinner. 为一年级学生和返校学生在移动当天发生的事件的完整列表, 请浏览我们的 欢迎周 页面.

Q. What can be expected on move-in day?
A. 搬家日充满了各种活动,从烧烤到家庭会议, 去看艺术展, 去书店购物. 这也是一个时间,你组织和安置你的宿舍空间.

Q. How long will I be there to assist my student?
A. We ask that families leave by 5 p.m.

Q. How does parking work for move in?
A. Parking permits can be obtained via 公共安全 或者在搬家的时候.

Q. How many people are allowed to support a student moving in?
A. 家长可以帮助他们的学生入住,我们要求所有人都戴上口罩.

Q. 提前到达的学生是直接入住宿舍还是在入住前和团队一起住?
A. 大多数早到的学生将直接进入他们永久的秋季住房分配. 因为同学聚会周末就快到了有些早到的人要搬进来了, this can't be the case for everyone, so some may need to go to a temporary assignment.

Q. Where can roommate information be found?
A. 室友信息可以在宿舍生活的电子邮件通信中找到,该邮件概述了学生的宿舍和房间, 膳食计划和室友.

Q. 如果我的邮件里没有室友,是不是意味着我有一个单身?
A. It can mean that, but it is not a guarantee. It can also mean that someone has just not been placed there yet.

Q. If I am flying in, is there a shuttle?
A. Yes, there is a shuttle from the Rochester airport. 你可以 sign up for the shuttle here. 这是免费的.

Q. What if I cannot make it during the assigned move in times?
A. If you are not able to move-in on your assigned move-in time and day, 您必须与住宿生活办公室联系,以安排其他入住时间.

Q. What if I haven't gotten my housing assignment yet?
A. If you haven't yet received your housing assignment, please email 马克斯Koskoff, Director of residential Communities.

Q. Does the University offer storage options over the summer?
A. 不幸的是,我们在夏季没有空间为学生提供存储空间. 然而,我们确实与当地一家私人第三方存储公司合作, 目标:自我存储, which offers pick-up and delivery services.

Q. What is my mailing address, and how will I receive my mailbox number?
A. 您将在入住当天收到鲍威尔校园中心的邮箱号码. Your mailing address will be:
# {mailbox number} 鲍威尔校园中心

Q. 如果我因为任何原因提前到达,我将如何收到我的邮箱号码?
A. 请 stop by the Mail room in the Powell Campus center between 8 a.m. 到3点.m. to get your assigned mailbox.

Q. I may have a student hold. 我该怎么办??
A. 请记住,如果有优秀的学生持有,您将不会获得房间钥匙. 这些停滞可能是由许多事情引起的,所有这些都需要你采取行动. 例子可能包括账单上的余额/没有支付账单的计划, 免疫记录/健康记录和不完整的经济援助包/未注册课程. If you have a hold for any reason, 你将被通知并得到指示,你必须做些什么来清除等待 咨询中心. 确保你已经解决了这些问题是你的责任. 如果不这样做,将导致你无法搬进校园宿舍和上课. It is imperative that you listen to the 咨询中心, 卫生服务, 财政援助和其他办公室来解决这些问题,因为我们都在这里支持你作为一个社区,而你在皇冠体育app.

I need bedsheets and was told about Dormify. 这是什么??
我们与校外供应商合作,提供床上用品和亚麻布. These can either be shipped to your house or directly here. 请 访问多米尼的网站 了解更多.

What if I want to be an early arrival to campus?
除非您是预先批准的团体成员,否则不允许提前到达. If you are a member of such a group, 我们会在8月初联系你,告诉你如何登记你的校园作业,因为这是根据小组而定的. 如果您需要提前返回,但非盟项目或团队没有要求, you must contact the Office of 居住生活 at 607-871-2186 to request accommodations. If permission is granted, there will be a charge of $50 per night. This will be charged to your student account. Should you return early without clearing it ahead of time, 在星期六宿舍开放学生报到之前,你不能进入宿舍.

What surge protectors can I use in my dorm room?
出于消防安全考虑, each room is equipped with a state-approved surge protector; one per person, 每一个房间. 这些符合我们纽约消防队长的标准要求,是皇冠体育app校园住房中唯一允许的电涌保护器. If the surge protector is missing upon checking out of your room, your student account will be charged for replacement. You may purchase an additional surge protector if needed. We recommend these two models: